Post 2: The Cut Kick- Bane of Modern Taekwondo Competition?
Discussing some more and some less underrated strategic uses for the Cut Kick In a discussion with an oldschool taekwondoin one is nearly ensured to run into the cut kick sooner or later. There is probably no other subject which is more controversial in modern sports taekwondo than the cut kick. One could argue that the eHogu and the electronic scoring system is more controversial because it enabled the use of such strategies but that is a discussion for another day. Today we want to concentrate on the cut kick. This article is targeted for people like me who do modern sports Taekwondo on a lower level and rarely or never compete. I think it is useful for those people to know WHY they are doing what they are doing in a sparring match especially if they do not compete that much (lately) and hence do not get the first-hand experiencewhy cut kicks are an essential part in the current taekwondo metagame. Those are often also the people who deem modern Taekwondo as less or inferior, but ...